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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The Master of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, which is a joint master between University Paris-Sud and Ecole Polytechnique , is co-headed by members of the group.

J.-M. Steyaert organizes Bibs (M1 and M2) at Ecole Polytechnique. A. Denise has co-headed the Master (M1 and M2) at the University Paris Sud until end August. C. Froidevaux is co-heading it at the University since September 2012.

Most team members are teaching in this master.



A. Denise served as referee and jury member for Sylvain Sené's HDR defence (Univ. Evry, November 2012), Amine Ghozlane's PhD defence (Univ. Bordeaux I, December 2012) and Romain Pogorelcnik's PhD Defence (Univ. Blaise Pascal - Clermont II, December 2012). He served as the head of the jury member in Leandro Montero's PhD defence (Univ. Paris-Sud, December 2012). He served as a jury member in the hiring committee for a Maître de Conférence sur chaire CNRS position at Ecole Centrale de Nantes.

C. Froidevaux was a referee for Johan Estellon's PhD defence(Univ. Grenoble). She served as a member of the Comité de thèse of Pauline Gloaguen (INRA Tours, Feb 2012) and as a jury member for the defence of her PhD (Univ. Tours, Dec 2012). She served as the head of the jury in Konstantinos Karanasos' PhD defence (Paris Sud, July 2012). She was member of the HDR de Jérôme Azé (Univ. Paris-Sud).

Ch. Froidevaux took part as an external jury member in the hiring committee of an Assistant Professor position at IGM (Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay). She is member of the Commission Consultative de Spécialistes (CCSU, 27th section) of the University Paris Sud.

M. Régnier served as a jury member in Jérémie Bourdon's HDR defence (Nantes University). She was a member of the hiring committee for Maître de Conférence position at Bordeaux University (LaBRI).

S. Peres served as a jury member in the PhD defense committee of Chamseddine KIFAGI at Sfax University (Tunisia).

Y. Ponty served as a jury member in the hiring committee for a Maître de Conférence position at Université de Versailles St Quentin. He served as a jury member in the PhD defense committee of Azadeh Saffarian at Université de Lille 1 (LIFL /Inria Lille).